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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

La Pepita Burger Bar

Cartagena, Colombia

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

We arrived in Cartagena at about 3pm and after getting settled into our hotel room, we were ready to eat!

Fortunately for us, a few  doors down was this Burger Bar.

We thought we'd give it a try.

La Pepita Burger Bar, Cartagena, Colombia

La Pepita Burger Bar

Not knowing what to expect, we walked into this air conditioned eatery. The kitchen is open air so you can see workers putting your food together, and there is seating in the front and to the back.





We chose to walk through and sit further into the restaurant, so we could get the full view of the place.

Inside La Pepita Burger Bar, Cartagena, Colombia

Back towards the band area

We found out that this bar gets a-rockin' later on in the evening.

In the center right you can see the music instruments and microphone set ups.

Menu at La  Pepita Burger Bar, Cartagena, Colombia

The menu

Definitely bar food, with burgers, hot dogs, meats, ribs and chicken.

We decided to order from the Classic Menu (at the bottom right) and got a classic burger, fries and a drink.

Though we did not try their desserts, they had an interesting selection.

La Pepita sign: No Music No Life, Cartagena, Colombia

The sign on the left reads: No Music, No Life

This seating area is just a bit to the right of where the band plays.

Initially, the sign was difficult to read because the yellow letter faded back, so it looked like "Nom sic No Life."

Eventually, my eyes adjusted to the lighting and the wording popped out!

Burger and fries at La Pepita Burger Bar, Cartagena, Colombia

A branded bun!

Isn't this fun!? The bun is "branded" with a hot iron just like a cow's ranch logo.





This angus beef burger was just so very tasty. Even though it was a bit small, the flavor was perfect. I'm not a big French Fries eater, but these were also done to perfection.

Food Bill at La Pepita, Cartagena, Colombia

Our food bill

This is the bill for our food at La Pepita, with tip added in.

Club Colombia beer is just under $3USD, a cherry lemonade is $2.60USD. Our burger combos were about $5.25 each.

The tip added into the bill was about $2USD.

Total, with tip and tax was about $22USD.

We ate most of our meals at The Star Restaurant just up the street which offered full meals with a drink for about $4USD per person. So, comparatively, this was an expensive meal! However, it was so good... that we went back again to get that classic burger taste.

Definitely recommended.

For more information on Colombia, with photos, stories and videos, click here

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


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