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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

La Pie Noir

Paris, France

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

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There is never a shortage of restaurants in Paris where one can eat delicious food. The French are famous for that.

But to find a quaint, friendly place that the French love and at the same time is also affordable - well that makes for an additional high mark.

La Pie Noir - named after a special breed of cattle in the northwest of France - is a favorite of tourists and French locals alike, getting high reviews from both.

Entrance to La Pie Noir, Paris, France

The entrance to La Pie Noir

The milk of the Bretonne Pie Noir is high in fat content, making it excellent for cheese production. But also, this hardy, compact cattle breed is adaptable to the Bretonne area and also gives tasty beef. So it has a dual-purpose utility, providing both milk and meat from smaller, more sustainable farming practices.

Bretonne's contributions to French cuisine are also Crepes, galettes, seafood, and especially its butter and dairy.

All of this is conveyed in the name La Pie Noir.

Who knew?

Cassandra is a waitress at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Cassandra at the bar, Hugo in the center, standing

The inside is modest and tables are close together.

Cassandra and Hugo give friendly, quick service and are quite knowledgeable about the menu.

On this cold day, the warm, tiny restaurant was most welcoming.

The menu at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Menu at La Pie Noir

The menu was a bit overwhelming - we'd have to come back again and again to try all we wanted to taste.

In situations such as this I let Billy order whatever intrigues him and we share the plates.


Because he is a trained French Chef and he knows what he is doing.

I happy to munch along and believe me, it's a great place to be!

In this case, Billy began by ordering one of the day's price fixed offerings at the top.

The wine menu at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

The wine menu

This is the wine menu.

For being in France, it was actually fairly priced and we ordered a Château de Chaintres for $35Euros.

Cassandra behind the bar, La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Cassandra behind the bar

This bar sells wines, liquors, and coffees. It'd be a great place to have a cappuccino or a glass of wine and hang out.

The restaurant became full, but Cassandra and Hugo handled it with aplomb.

They were friendly, engaging and not at all stressed.

They were confident!





Bottle of Chateau de Chaintres, La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Our bottle is Chateau de Chaintres

Not deeply complex nor fully tannic, this bottle was better than simply a table wine.

Razor clams at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Our razor clams

The first course was razor clams in a seasoned buttered broth with crusty bread.

Razor clams have a sweet, delicate flavor with a tender texture. They don't have the chewiness of some other clams.

They are a good source of lean protein, rich in vitamins like B12, and minerals like iron. They are also low in fat, making them a healthy seafood choice.

Roasted chicken in cream sauce at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Roasted chicken with potatoes and cream

Next was a roasted chicken leg with a cream sauce over potatoes.

While, simple, this French meal was delicious.

Senior couple toasting wine at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Toasting to YOU!

Here we are toasting to YOU!

The tanned hide of the famous Pie Noir cow is hanging on the wall, a true testament to this cattle breed.

You can see how simple and local this restaurant is, and very popular!

Potatoes with sausage and camembert, salad

We were still a bit hungry and ordered this supplement on the price fixed menu: potatoes with sausage, camembert and a salad.

Once again, simple, a country-style approach and delicious.





“Baby” Profiterole

Bretonne is also known for its buckwheat flour, which was introduced to the area in the Middle Ages.

Here you see our delicious "baby" profiterole with vanilla ice cream and caramel.

Billy and Louiche, the owner of La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Billy with the owner

This is the owner of La Pie Noir, a man named Louiche (pronounced Loo-EECH).

We got along so well, speaking of the restaurant business, wines, and tequila from our area of Mexico, that Louiche gave us a free tequila after our meal!

two shots of Calvaderos, tequila from Mexico at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

2 shots of Calvaderos

Louiche understood our love of tequila, and treated us to a shot each of Calvaderos.

This is from our neck of the woods, Jalisco, Mexico!

Our bill for 2, at La Pie Noir, Paris, France

Our bill for the two of us

This is our bill for the two of us, including all the food, dessert, and a bottle of wine. At $80.50Euros (before tip) it came to about $84USD.

Would we recommend you visit La Pie Noir?


Say hi to Louiche for us!


Le Pie Noir

5 Rue de la Montagne St. Genevieve

75005 Paris, France

Tele: 01.4354. 0899



Tele: +33 1 43 54 08 99

Hours: Open Tues. through Saturday, noon to 9:30pm

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


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