Retire Early Lifestyle
Retirement; like your parents, but way cooler

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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

Hotel and Travel Information

Chapala, Mexico Travel and Information  A favorite ExPat community with the 2nd best climate in the world! Check out local restaurants, activities such as tennis, basketball, volleyball, bridge, and the society of the arts. Information on medical and fitness, a link for the Chapala weather and even moving companies! Other links for information on retiring to Mexico are provided as well. Mexico Travel Stories

Ecuador Hotel & Travel Information  Why not benefit from our experience? Places to stay, eat and shop. Travel agents listed, current pricing, comments and useful information for your trip. Ecuador Travel Stories

Woman of the Long neck  tribe in Thailand

Woman of the Long neck  tribe in Thailand

Guatemala Travel Page This is an extensive page of travel information for the country of Guatemala - hotels, restaurants, hospitals, Spanish schools, volunteer opportunities and more. Cost of Living in Antigua will give you an idea of what it costs to live here in this beautiful Colonial city. Lake Atitlan Travel Information lists restaurants, hotels, cafe, wine bars, pharmacies, medical care and more. Cost of Living in Panajachel, Lake Atitlan will give you an idea of what it costs to live at the Lake. The Adventurer's Guide to Guatemala Do not go to Guatemala without this book! Take advantage of what we know!

Want to be a House Sitter? A great way to travel the world and lower your housing costs is to house sit. Become a local, avoid high priced hotels, live in exotic and interesting locations. Learn more about house and pet sitting here on this page.  

Laos Hotel & Travel Information  Visa info, Healthcare choices, hotels and guest houses. Useful information, insight into the country and survival phrases in Laos. Laos Travel Stories

Traveling Isn't for Sissies  - After over 3 decades of vagabonding, Billy and I are still independent travelers. We have no protective infrastructure between us and our experience in a foreign country. We have to figure out lodging, train and bus schedules, cell phone Sims cards, places of interest, differences in language, exchange rates to local currency and visa time periods on our own. We prefer it this way, but let me tell you, Independent Travel Isn’t for Sissies. 

Thailand Hotel & Travel Information  A collection of information based on our experience of living and traveling in Thailand. Useful Thai phrases, Medical Info, Things to Do, Hotels, Guest Houses, Restaurants, etc. Thailand Travel Stories

Vietnam Hotel & Travel Information  Again, an excellent compilation of our own experience with places to stay, eat and shop, as well as information on transport, security, and money issues. Vietnam Travel Stories

More Travel Stories:  AustraliaBaliBelize, Chile, ChinaEcuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, LaosMexico, New Zealand, Panama, Philippines, Thailand, USA, Vietnam

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on

Retire Early Lifestyle appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.

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