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Retire Early Lifestyle
Retirement; like your parents, but way cooler

Lake Chapala Living Guide

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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

Chapala Sports and Social Activities

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Immigration/Visas, INAPAM, Healthcare

Currency Conversion Site

The Adventurer's Guide to Chapala Living, Second Edition
A Common Sense Approach to Your New Life in Chapala, Mexico

The Adventurer's Guide to the Pacific Coast of Mexico

The Adventurer's Guide to Mexico's Highlands

The Adventurer's Guide to Destination Choices

Sports Activities

Tennis and Volleyball at Cristiania Park - If you enjoy the active sports of tennis and volleyball, you must visit Cristiania Park in Chapala. Six tennis courts all well maintained and a pro shop for your tennis needs. A great group of players meet daily to compete. Volleyball is played Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 10 pesos per person. Check out our Chapala Tennis & Volleyball  page.

Basketball at the gym located next to the municipal soccer field. Basketball leagues are played nightly at around 7 or 8 o'clock pm. They are always looking for new players, and it's great to get involved.

Need a Personal Assistant at Lake Chapala? Cynthia Ornelas will take you to the bus station, to the airport, pet sit your pets or home, will go grocery shopping, manage your properties, drive you to Guadalajara and more.

Social Activities

A Course in Miracles Saturdays 2pm at 16 Septiembre #34-6 Ongoing. No charge Telefono: 766-4882

Ajijic Masonic Lodge #31 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of month, 5:30pm Telefono: 766-0485

Ajijic Quilt Guild Open to general public, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 12 noon. Laguna B&B Telefono: 766-0276

Ajijic Society of the Arts 1st  Monday of month 10 am Nueva Posada, art program follows meeting.





Amigos De los Ancianos (Friends of the Elderly) Casa de Ancianos, Chapala, Telefono: 766-1067

Amigos Every Wednesday 6-8 pm, La Nueva Posada, friendly group of mature people meet to make new friends.

Amities Francophones 3rd Saturday of the month, 1 pm Telefono: 766-0149

AMSIF Bridge 2nd Saturday of every month at Ruben's Grill from 12-5:00 Lunch included, prize to best players with proceeds going to AMSIF and Ninos y Jovenes. 100 pesos

Belva & Enrique Velazquez Art Classes and supplies 16 de Septiembre #7, Ajijic. Telefono: 766-0162

British Society Friends meet very informally 1st Saturday of the month at 1pm. Manix, Ocampo, 765-4786

Canadian Club Meets on the 2nd Wednesday at the Nueva Posada, lower garden. September to April.

Chapala Club provides local news, weather, list of happenings, movies, real estate opportunities, Spanish lessons and more. Free newsletter.

Garden Club Members Only! 3rd Wednesday of the month, 12:30 pm, Nueva Posada, lunch, guest speaker, raffle. New members welcome  to join before meeting (11:30)

Hash House Harriers Saturday 8:30 am, Nueva Posada, Everyone welcome! No dues or membership.

Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club Stratified Pairs meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 pm. 99ers meet at 9:15 am Friday. the Carretera, #77-1, one block east of Maskaras Clinic. Info: 766-3924 or 766-1416

Lake Chapala Garden Club - international garden club, meetings, membership and more!

Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Weekly Sabbath Services at Santa Margarita#113, Riberas del Pilar Telefono: 765-6968

Lake Chapala Society Full listing of activities posted outside the office. 766-1140. For community events, Spanish program, member benefits, and info on lakeside living, check out  16 de Septiembre 16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco, MX  Tele: (376) 766-1140

Los Ninos De Chapala Y Ajijic Providing educational scholarships for children & young adults. Telefono: 766-1688 or check out





MAS Music Appreciation Society, Classical music and Children Music Project. Telefono: 765-6409

The Naked Stage - Hidalgo #261 Just east of LTH sign, Mountain Side of Carretera Box Office & Bar 3:00 pm; Show 4pm Email:  

Navy League, Lake Chapala Council 3rd Saturday of the month for lunch/program at 1pm, Telefono: 766-4750 or 766-1848

Ninos & Jovenes Caravan Delivers food stuff &  used clothing to the orphanage in San Juan Cosala, Telefono: 01-387-76-10606       

Rotary Club of Ajijic Every Tuesday, 1pm Villa del Arte Retaurant, Rio Zula #7-A, Ajijic Telefono: 766-2772

Viva la Musica! Supporting fine music Lakeside by helping Mexican musicians make beautiful music. Encourages Mexican music students and organization, providing performance opportunities at Lakeside for Mexican musicians, and to promote local concerts and bus trips to musical events in Guadalajara and elsewhere. Contact: Rosemary Keeling,

Writers Group 1st &  3rd Friday 10:15 am Nueva Posada, guest most welcome.

The stress of living in the States can take its toll on your health.

Try something new!

About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on

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Retire Early Lifestyle appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.

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