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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

Towns with Perfect Climates

Where We Have Lived

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

When winter is around the corner in the U.S. and Canada, snowbirds look to head south. During the last 34 years of world travel, we have found four locations that offer perfect climates or which have eternal spring-like weather.

Boats on Placid Lake Chapala, Mexico

Tranquil Lake Chapala, a favorite among Expats

Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico is a top choice with easy access from the U.S. In a few hours you can fly from LAX or PHX and be immersed in Mexican culture. With many expats living there, the area is abundant in social activities, from golf, tennis, volleyball, chess and bridge clubs, to gardening, horseback riding, pet rescue and more. English is spoken just about everywhere as the locals are accustomed to decades of foreigners visiting this beautiful area.

Chapala Living Guide is based on our first hand eperience of living in Chapala, Mexico

The international airport of Guadalajara (GDL) is only about 30 minutes away, and the city itself offers shopping options like Sam’s Club and Costco. While Chapala has a variety of doctors, dentists and clinics, the best medical care and larger facilities are located in the city of Guadalajara.

El Jardin Etnobotanico de Oaxaca

El Jardin Etnobotanico de Oaxaca

Oaxaca, Mexico takes a little more effort to reach by air, most likely routing through Mexico City. However, it is a foodie’s paradise with international cuisines well represented as well as their own famous moles (sauces) cheeses and grilled meats. Oaxaca is an old Colonial City with grand buildings the beauty of which will turn your head. Cost of living is affordable for such a distinguished location, as the growing expat community reflects. Medical care is both affordable and abundant.

A reasonably priced, short thirty minute flight from town to the beautiful beaches of Puerto Escondido makes for a great break from colonial life. Here you can dine on fresh seafood, visit gorgeous private beaches or hang out with the local surfer crowd.

Kids play in the fountain in Antigua, Guatemala

One of several fountains in the main Plaza, Antigua

Antigua, Guatemala might be a location unfamiliar to you, but is certainly worth checking out. Once a major capital of the Spanish empire, today’s Antigua is tranquil. Remarkable natural beauty mixes with Colonial architecture in various states from ruins to renovation and the combination will seduce you. Fine dining, romantic hotels, colorful indigenous culture, old cobblestone streets, cafes, bars, museums and churches combine for perfect photo opportunities.  





The town offers English language bookstores, English movies, gyms, spas, yoga studio, and a large supermarket. A good variety of medical facilities is accessible here in Antigua, with world class medical hospitals and doctors available in the capitol city of Guatemala City, a couple of hours away.

Stunning panoramic view of Lake Atitlan

Stunning panoramic view of Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala is a gem. Unique in every sense of the word, over a dozen indigenous and expat communities dot the shore of a lake that has filled a volcanic crater. The lake itself rivals the beauty of Lake Tahoe in the States and life here is simple. People are friendly, cost of living is reasonable and drawing from all the communities you can find overflowing markets, colorful native culture, international dining, cafes serving excellent Guatemalan coffee, bars with live music, gyms, yoga, meditation, spas, fabulous hotels, language schools, art classes and more.

One of the most beautiful places on the planet

Medical care is adequate for daily living with clinics, small hospitals, doctors, dentists and pharmacies. If you require more complex care, grander facilities are available in Xela, Antigua, or the capitol city of Guatemala City.

If you enjoy the snowbirding lifestyle, add any of these cities and towns to your list and give them a go. You won’t be disappointed experiencing the excellent climates and you will have expanded your travel horizon.

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


Retire Early Lifestyle appeals to a different kind of person – the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn’t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.

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