Retire Early
Retirement; like your parents, but way cooler
In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age
of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this
financially independent lifestyle, they invite you
to take advantage of their wisdom and experience. |
It's in the
Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Billy and Akaisha at a
restaurant in Panajachel, Guatemala
have spoken before how retiring early
challenged the belief system of
everyone we knew. This should not have come as a surprise.
Doing something different from the crowd always stands out, and those who
are separated from the herd often get eaten. In Japan, there is a saying,
“the nail that stands up, gets hammered down.”
in the “olden days” when we lived in caves and in small tribes ourselves,
there developed certain instincts that proved beneficial to the tribe, and
to the tribe’s survival. You can see the same behavior in animals today.
Males competed vigorously to obtain top status of leader or ruler, king of
the tribe or herd. In other words, the Alpha male. This status provided him
mating opportunities that far surpassed the other males (ensuring that his
strong, healthy genes went into the gene pool), and gave him first dibs on food.
Women, on the other hand tended to the offspring, strengthened relationships with other tribe or herd members (to insure her offspring would survive should she die), and did the food gathering thing, while the males did the hunting thing.
herd or tribe member that stood out for any reason (illness, getting
wounded, being born deformed), or those that did not follow these survival
patterns, risked being left behind. Vulnerability has been, and always will
be, scary.
Today, most of us do not face these survival issues so glaringly. Certainly
those who are considering retiring early have a mental or financial
advantage over those who hope to merely get food on the table. However,
those tribal instincts from long ago can rise up unexpectedly.
They can take
any of the following forms.
males, the scramble for status in the tribe takes the form of having
expensive toys. Or perhaps it is the “right” address for his family to be
looked upon favorably. It is his constant need to appear virile in any form
- cars, money, business connections - that keeps him tied to his job, and
fearful of letting go. Often, his identity is wrapped up in his job and what
he produces for his household. (More women are sliding into this role these
days as well.)
a woman, her nesting instincts have always been apparent. Her home is her
castle and reflects who she is. Her jewels, the car she drives, her stylish clothing all prove she
has a male that takes care of her abundantly, so her offspring live well.
as in tribal times, anyone who does not keep up with these encrustations of
wealth and well being, are often shunned from the herd, or left vulnerable
to fend for themselves.
cannot retire
early! You’ll
get bored!”
“What about
“What if your kids need money?”
not giving up
my house!”
These are challenges that any early retiree must be willing to face with awareness. Pick apart the fear surrounding them, find a suitable risk/benefit ratio, and move on.
Whenever Billy starts craving for a
red convertible, or a
Lamborghini, totally unsuitable for our current lifestyle of perpetual travel,
I smile, pat him on the hand and say, “Dear, it’s just the Call of the
Similarly, when I groan about not having an herb garden or an extra
bedroom for family members to stay, he will gently take me in his arms and
croon in my ear, “Resist that Call of the Wild! I will protect you!”
yes. Being separated from the herd is different.
It’s not for everyone.
However, for us, the dividends paid in
exotic locales, personal
growth, strengthening, creativity and personal expression of our uniqueness
satisfies any sanction of the herd that we may feel we need.
These are
personal decisions that every early retiree must face and decide.
What those answers are, is up to you. To separate from the herd means being
radically distinctive from the herd mentality.
And that makes for the road
less traveled.
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Retirement Topics,
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About the Authors
Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are
recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on
topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of
information they share on their award winning website,
they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since
1991. They wrote the popular books, The
Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your
Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website
bookstore or

Early Lifestyle appeals to a different
kind of person – the person who prizes their
independence, values their time, and who doesn’t
want to mindlessly follow the crowd.
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