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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

Could You Volunteer for One Day?

Giving back: volunteering for one day while traveling

Guest post by Debbie Yeh of Give a Day Global

Latin American Sea Turtles: help conserve sea turtles in Costa Rica

Latin American Sea Turtles: help conserve sea turtles in Costa Rica

Volunteering while traveling serves local communities and connects people in a powerful way. There are many wonderful nonprofit organizations around the world doing life-changing work in their communities in areas such as education, healthcare, animal welfare and wildlife conservation. Giving back to these organizations through volunteering and donations help amplify their mission and impact. Not only that, the volunteers themselves often have a life-changing experience that inspires future giving and general happiness.

It's just a positive cycle that keeps on giving!

Elephant’s World: help take care of abused elephants in Thailand

Elephant's World: help take care of abused elephants in Thailand

Give a Day Global (GADG) is a US based nonprofit that connects travelers with one day volunteer opportunities for local causes around the world.





The website features projects such as caring for elephants in Thailand, building homes in Bolivia and leading English lessons in Cambodia. All projects have been vetted by Give a Day Global to create a curated collection of meaningful volunteer experiences that don't require a long-term commitment. It takes the research work out for the travelers and streamlines the volunteer recruiting process for the nonprofits. This way, travelers can spend their time on giving back and nonprofits can spend their time serving their communities.

Calicanto: help train and empower women in Panama

Calicanto: help train and empower women in Panama

Since 2012, GADG has connected hundreds of volunteers with nonprofits making a difference.

These nonprofits get the extra help and funding that they need to carry out their mission. For example, "From Houses to Homes" in Guatemala is an organization whose mission is to create pathways out of poverty by providing safe housing, healthcare and education. The founder saw that the government programs were inadequate and often discriminatory so he took matters into his own hands and founded "From Houses to Homes". The organization has been able to serve thousands of children and adults in 21 communities throughout Guatemala.

Finca Tungasuk: help cultivate healthy land in Cuba

Finca Tungasuk: help cultivate healthy land in Cuba

Layla was a recent volunteer, through GADG and a corporate Giving Time program, who helped build homes at "From Houses to Homes" in Guatemala. Layla was able to help provide a roof for a family who was currently living in poverty with 8 family members sharing a small metal shelter. She herself had an unforgettable experience that will give her a new perspective on life.

She captured her volunteer experience in this heartwarming video:

Volunteer From Houses to Homes

"The power of strangers helping strangers is like a never-ending gift that keeps on giving" Layla H - GADG Volunteer

Another GADG partner organization is Latin American Sea Turtles (LAST) in Costa Rica. They are dedicated to create an environment where humans and sea turtles can live in balance. LAST has a number of research and conservation programs to prevent the extinction of this beautiful species such as nesting, recovery of natural environments and education of the local people.





Jenna was another recent volunteer, through GADG and Giving Time, who helped LAST in their efforts to conserve sea turtles. She was able to assist in the monitoring of the sea turtles, mangrove reforestation and beach cleanup. Jenna contributed to the important work that LAST is doing to ensure that the sea turtles can thrive.

She captured her volunteer experience in this video:

Volunteering at Latin American Sea Turtles(LAST) in Costa Rica

 "The experience made me want to find local volunteer opportunities and find a way to commit more time to volunteering with sea turtles and other marine life." Jenna Bennet - GADG Volunteer

As a traveler, it's easy to be shielded and disconnected from many of the social needs of a country. Volunteering is a great way to get off the beaten path and see the country from a different perspective. The day-to-day heroes who have dedicated their lives to the causes are often the kindest and most inspiring people to meet. GADG volunteers many times say that the most memorable and favorite day of their trip was their volunteer day.

"From Houses to Homes" and Latin American Sea Turtles are 2 out of about 30 volunteer projects featured on Give A Day Global so there are multiple ways in multiple continents to make a difference.

Here is a sample of some other wonderful volunteer opportunities to make a difference found on Give A Day Global:

Bolivia: Build new, safer homes -- Dig foundations, lay bricks, and paint walls - all part of the Fuller Center's efforts to replace unsafe mud and straw huts with sturdier housing in the city of El Alto.  

Costa Rica: Rainforest restoration -- Help maintain rainforest habitat, observe animal behavior, repair enclosures, harvest and prepare food, and other activities at a wildlife rescue center in Manuel Antonio National Park.  

Cuba: Cultivate healthy land Work alongside locals at Finca Tungasuk organic farming cooperative outside Havana. Activities include planting, harvesting, watering and learning about sustainable farming.

Laos: Help devvelop English-language skills In the ancient city of Luang Prabang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, help Laotians work on their English through bilingual books and conversation. 

Panama: Help train and empower women Help young women practice English at Calicanto, which offers life skills and career workshops to at-risk women in Panama City

Thailand: Care for elephants Help prepare food, feed and bathe elephants at a sanctuary for old, abused and injured elephants.

To see a full list of volunteer opportunities at GADG, learn more here 

For more information on volunteering see our Volunteer Page

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


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