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In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this financially independent lifestyle, they invite you to take advantage of their wisdom and experience.

The Dollars and Sense

Stage Three Breast Cancer Abroad

The breakdown of the costs of surgery and medical treatments for mastectomy

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Below you will find the breakdown of costs for surgery, services and medications that I received for my mastectomy.

I understand that some will want our personal story on what happened, the time line, how we chose our doctors and treatments, and how we dealt with all of this emotionally. We will follow up shortly with these stories.

I believe everyone wants to know how much it cost and where treatment was received.

You'll find that information below.

Senior woman with radiation machine

Akaisha showing the radiation machine St. Javier Hospital, Guadalajara

I would like to emphasize that from time of diagnosis (June 13, 2024) to time of surgery (August 15, 2024) it was a mere 2 months. At least a month of that was traveling. While we could have used our Medicare Advantage insurance in the States, we believe it would have taken far longer for this issue to be resolved, and time was of the essence due to the size and location of the tumor.

Not only that, but we believe it would have cost us more with less personalized care.

Once we got over the shock of the diagnosis and accepted the hand we were dealt, we made the decision to move forward immediately.

Ed Note: We have the personal Whatsapp numbers of the three Oncologists with whom we communicated daily, including photos and videos of my progress. When we could not make a trip to Guadalajara for an office visit, two of the doctors did follow ups via video calls and voicemails.

We would also like to mention it is very important that you know your cancer markers and the options you have for them. This is a rapidly changing field as new technology and treatments are becoming available rapidly.

 With our lifestyle of travel for 35 years, we have utilized medical tourism in numerous countries. We encourage you to be unafraid to ask questions of your doctors, and to understand your risks and benefits for each procedure. 

We worked as a team with our doctors with each one leaving the final decisions up to us. We chose to move this procedure and treatment along quickly.

We thank you all for your emails of support and care.

Prices are in US Dollars

All Doctors spoke English except for the Vietnamese Doctor where we used Google Translate.





Vietnamese man with senior Anglo woman

 Chinese Medicine Doctor Thai Hoang Chuong and Akaisha in DaNang, Vietnam

The middle of June, 2024

Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, Chiang Mai, Thailand -   3 consultations, examinations, sonogram, biopsy, pathology report, $562.00

July, 2024

Chinese Medicine Doctor in DaNang, Vietnam - 3 visits, exams, herbs, powders and teas $171.00

August, 2024, surgery completed August 15, 2024

Medications, blood tests, MRI, price for Dr. Lorena for intake info before operation, pathology report $1,510.00

St Javier Hospital in Guadalajara - Surgeon, Oncologist, Dr. Francisco Hernandez  

Mastectomy surgery $2,685.00, overnight in the hospital with all meds and care, visits by doctors and nurses $2,908.00. Various consultations and eventual serum drainages $49.00.

Guadalajara Oncologist - Dr. Fernando Cruz

5 consultations $262.00

Two sonograms and drainage out-patient $309.00

St. Javier Hospital in Guadalajara - Radiation oncologist Dr. Irving Sanchez

16 radiation treatments $8,240.00

Payment to Dr. Irving Sanchez $2,000.00

November, 2024

Nevis, West Indies - Surgeon, Dr. George for serum drainage $111.00  

Total Spent - $18,807USD

We did not use Medicare or Medicare Advantage insurance, so we paid out of pocket.

Names of Hospitals, and Clinics utilized

Chiang Mai Ram Hospital

Ram 8 Rd.Bun Rakit.Sri Rongum

Chiang Mai, Thailand 50200

Tele: 052-004-699


Chinese Medicine Doctor in DaNang, Vietnam

Mr.Thai Hoang Chuong

66 Nguyen Duy Hieu

Tele: 0979. 16. 1763

Hospital San Javier, Guadalajara Mexico

Oncology surgeon Dr. Francisco Hernandez

Avenida Pablo Casals 640

Guadalajara, MX

Tele: +52. 33. 3669. 0222.

Medical oncologist - Dr. Fernando Cruz Padilla

Ave. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla 3262

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico


Nevis, West Indies - Surgeon Dr. Richard George

At Prestige Pharmacy

Charlestown, Nevis

West Indies

Bill for radiation treatment, Guadalajara, Mexico

Our receipt for radiation therapy, prices in Mexican Pesos

Editor's note:

These costs above are for medical procedures only. They do not include transport to and from Chapala to Guadalajara, hotel rooms, meals while on the road or any other miscellaneous we might have needed. 

Our friend Travis was generous enough to allow us to stay at his home for over a week during radiation treatments and our friend Donna drove me to have serum drained in Guadalajara.

Many other friends offered their help and support, including going grocery shopping in Chapala, dropping off and picking up our laundry, purchasing flowers to cheer us up, sending us emails with photos, jokes and smiles, and more.

To all of our friends who helped us in any capacity, we give our heartfelt gratitude to you.

If you have any questions on the above information, feel free to write to us at:


For more information, pricing and perspectives on my Stage Three Breast Cancer journey, click here

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About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on


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