Retire Early
Retirement; like your parents, but way cooler

In 1991 Billy and Akaisha Kaderli retired at the age
of 38. Now, into their 4th decade of this
financially independent lifestyle, they invite you
to take advantage of their wisdom and experience. |
There Is No Greater Virus than Fear
Billy and Akaisha Kaderli
We have a choice.
We can
a life of fear, or one of hope and optimism.
Dwelling on fears clouds the mind.
It creates anxiety, emotional contraction, judgment of others and it becomes
difficult to make a clear decision about anything.
Moving forward becomes
arduous because there is so much doubt. Fear sees limitation, lack of
options, and darkness of mind – it’s called depression.
When we are in the middle of it, fear seems very real.
What I’m talking
about is not the kind of fear when someone has a knife to your throat,
threatens your family, or if a wild bear is chasing you.
I’m talking about
the fear we manufacture in our minds in response to something that is out
of our control.
When we consider our abilities, good fortunes, and the possibilities of the
future, we are able to see
instead of walls. It’s the place where we have
ideas, dreams, solutions to existing problems, and we create new inventions.
Yes, currently we are in the middle of some fear-full stuff that is going
on. And how you choose to see it makes all the
Human beings are very creative. Remember the
saying "Necessity is the Mother of invention"?
will be hundreds if not thousands of new businesses and inventions born out
of these present crises. Perhaps the next Amazon, eBay or Genentech will be
leading us into the future.
This is how society, the human race and free enterprise has propelled us
forward through the previous decades and centuries. Even Winston Churchill
said "The empires of the future are the empires of the mind."
A little perspective
world can be a fear-filled place.
there is always an existential threat of some kind to put us on edge if we
allow it to do so.
Remember, there was Desert Storm in 1991, the first bombing of the World
Trade center in 1993 and an over-hyped Y2k crisis pending as the world
turned its calendar over to a new century at midnight, 1999.
companies like K-Mart and American Airlines filed for bankruptcy, and
terrorists bombed 2 nightclubs in Kuta, Bali killing and injuring over 500
forget Hurricanes Katrina and Stan, between them taking the lives of over
3,000 people.
the housing and securities markets crumbled in the early 2000s destroying
billions in wealth and decimating many people's retirement dreams.
remember oil hit an all-time high of $147USD per barrel, and the Boston
Marathon Bomber blew up a traditional running event.
been through Bird Flu, the Zika virus and Ebola.
we all have survived and
we're still
More recently
recent days there has been Covid, hyperinflation, supply chain issues, a war
in Ukraine, and dozens of food processing plants have been mysteriously set
on fire and destroyed.
The world challenges us
There have always been crises.
and I talk about Billy Joel's song "We
Didn't Start the Fire" - The world has always been churning ever since
it began turning!
The world is an active place that challenges us on every level.
Will we
succumb to fear and contraction?
It is well-known that triggering the stress
hormones of fear suppresses our immune systems thereby making us more vulnerable to
any pathogen.
So why would we want to spend long periods of time there?
different tack, we could utilize our energies of mind to
bust through that darkness.
could choose
to be on the side of solutions, options, possibilities
and opportunities. We don't need to set down roots in The Land of Fear,
having our world contract more and more… slowly dying… while things turn
uninviting and colorless.

Akaisha feeling the wide-openness!
not change
the direction of your focus and hit the your own personal reset button?
Get out into the sunlight where things are clearer, hope-full, and be energized
by the future - even though
we might not know how that will all play out.
I want
to leave you with another useful quote from Churchill. "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. It's also
what it takes to sit down and listen."
Personally, I think it's clarity of mind that will bring us through any of
these crises we as humans face.
Take a deep breath.
You will know if you need to stand up and
speak, or if you need to sit down and listen.
Or maybe it will be a combination of
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About the Authors

Early Lifestyle appeals to a different
kind of person – the person who prizes their
independence, values their time, and who doesn’t
want to mindlessly follow the crowd.
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